Renowned designer Tomoaki Nagao, globally recognized as NIGO, is embarking on a creative journey alongside celebrated artist Brian Donnelly, famously known as KAWS, to unveil a captivating HUMAN MADE collection titled “KAWS MADE.” This dynamic collaboration signifies the fifth installment of the KAWS MADE series and embodies the enduring creative synergy between these two artistic luminaries.
The ‘KAWS MADE’ collection boasts an array of animal-themed motifs, each designed to ignite the imagination. It encompasses an impressive lineup, featuring a denim work jacket, matching pants, a striking animal-patterned coverall jacket and shirt, a cozy sweatshirt, a range of stylish hoodies, and a variety of graphic tees. Complementing the apparel, the collection also includes a selection of accessories, such as an eye-catching animal-patterned bandana, a versatile range of tote bags, and an exquisite decorative pin set.
This exciting release closely follows the inauguration of the “OTSUMO PLAZA” store, located in Aoyama, Tokyo, Japan, a collaborative endeavor by NIGO and Japanese designer Verdy. The launch of ‘KAWS MADE’ coincides with the eagerly anticipated HUMAN MADE pop-up store in New York City, commencing on November 11. Notably, the New York pop-up store will showcase exclusive “NEW YORK MADE” tee shirts in both classic white and black colorways.
The “NEW YORK MADE” tee shirts, priced at $120 USD, will be available in limited quantities, exclusively at the pop-up store, adding an exclusive touch to this fashion event.
As for the ‘KAWS MADE’ collection, fashion enthusiasts can look forward to its release on November 11, available at OTSUMO PLAZA and the New York City pop-up store, as well as through HUMAN MADE’s official website. Retail prices for this collection, based on its initial release in Japan, range from ¥3,300 to ¥66,000 JPY, approximately translating to $22 USD to $416 USD. Please note that prices may slightly vary depending on the region. Get ready to embrace this cool collaboration that intertwines the visions of NIGO and KAWS in a fashion-forward celebration.