McDonald’s Rides the Streetwear Wave with Palace Skateboards Collaboration

McDonald’s, a giant in the fast-food realm, has consistently drawn in newer crowds by synergizing with iconic figures and brands from the streetwear world. In previous ventures, the brand collaborated with industry heavyweights such as Travis Scott, CLOT, and Cactus Plant Flea Market, offering unique meals and distinctive packaging designs. Now, McDonald’s is taking another fashionable step forward by joining hands with Palace Skateboards.

While the specifics of this partnership remain under wraps, it has been disclosed that the contributions from the London-centric brand will be part of a broader McDonald’s campaign named “As Featured in Meal.” This initiative pays homage to the numerous television and film appearances of the fast-food giant. As a part of their promotional strategy, Palace took to Instagram to showcase their quirky outdoor marketing campaign in New York City. The brand commandeered a digital billboard in Manhattan, humorously stating, “Basically if I do enough descriptions about McDonald’s I reckon I can expense burgers then my life’s complete.” This playful approach mirrors Palace’s typical humorous product descriptions.

Stay tuned for more insights on this intriguing collaboration, with the launch marked for August 14, 2023.

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